segunda-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2009

Personagens literárias mais cool de sempre - II

And the Oscar goes to:

James Kaatz (aka Jay Gatsby), directed by F. Scott Fitzgerald in The Great Gatsby

For his brilliant rendering of a man torn between a shallow life of parties and public acknowledgement and a hidden, secret love which ultimately leads to his destruction and shatters his identity; for being mysterious, loyal, dedicated and ultimately a "poor son of a bitch", the Academy is proud to present the nominee for Best Male Character in a Leading Role: Jay Gatsby

Medea, directed by Euripides in Medea

For her strength and defiance of common moral values, for her resillience in a men's world, for her constant pursue of revenge and standing up against her despicable husban Jason, for giving a whole new meaning to the "women's lib" movement, the Academy is prepared to look beyond Medea's murder of her children and proud to present the nominee for Best Female Character in a Leading Role: Medea

Edmund, directed by William Shakespeare in King Lear

For his brilliant rendition of a ravishing looking man who stops at nothing, for whom the world is his oyster, who defies his social position with daring impetus, the Academy is proud to present the nominee for Best Male Character in a Supporting Role: Edmund (I grow, I prosper. Now gods, stand up for bastards!)

Bertha Manson, directed by Charlotte Bronte in Jane Eyre

For her unconditional love for a man who was ultimately too weak and too conventional to fully embrace her devotion, for her complete and utter madness, for being the eternal "foreign", the Academy is proud to present the nominee for Best Female Character in a Supporting Role: Bertha Manson

É só votar.

4 comentários:

PapelParede disse...

And the winner is: e vamos dizê-lo em português, este post. Absolutely fabulous!

José Bandeira disse...

Voto na Bertha, só por causa da associação com a modelo da Paula Rego :D (muito bem lembrado!)

José Bandeira disse...

oops - li o nome da imagem e percebi que a lembrança foi da Paula Rego, mesmo. Mas foi bem lembrado à mesma. :o)

Xantipa disse...

Medea, of course!