domingo, 14 de dezembro de 2008

Artigos impróprios para o Domingo

I must have been here for hours, everything's stiff and my head throbs like someone's drumming on china. The car stops. He turns off the motor but there are no traffic sounds. No people sounds. No wind. What place has no wind? As I wake up I hear a dog barking in the distance and I think I'm in my parents' house in South Carolina. When I open my eyes, there's a shotgun pressed between them. I'll never get married. I'll never have kids. I'll never go to Europe. I'll never learn to play piano. I'll never write a book. The last thing I hear is a click.

Golden Palominos, "Victim"

My old lady also understands that a man must have respect. What I mean is, if she must play around don't let me catch her, because what I don't see cant hurt me, you understand? But on the other hand, if I should ever catch her I'm not gonna talk about and call her a bunch of bad names like you all might. No, no. What I'm gonna do, I'm gonna go down-town to the hardware store and buy myself a double blade axe, come back, square off, and her soul better belong to the good Lord because her head's gonna belong to me.

Ray Charles, "Understanding"

That moment she was mine, mine, fair, perfectly pure and good: I found a thing to do, and all her hair in one long yellow string I wound three times her little throat around, dnd strangled her. No pain felt she; I am quite sure she felt no pain. As a shut bud that holds a bee, I warily oped her lids: again laughed the blue eyes without a stain. And I untightened next the tress about her neck; her cheek once more blushed bright beneath my burning kiss: I propped her head up as before only, this time my shoulder bore her head, which droops upon it still...And thus we sit together now, and all night long we have not stirred, And yet God has not said a word!

Robert Browning, "Porphyria's Lover"

Then one morning I awoke to find her weeping, and for many days to follow she grew so sad and lonely, became Joy in name only. Within her breast there launched an unnamed sorrow and a dark and grim force set sail. Farewell happy fields where joy forever dwells (hail horrors hail).Was it an act of contrition or some awful premonition, as if she saw into the heart of her final blood-soaked night, those lunatic eyes, that hungry kitchen knife, ah, I see sir, that I have your attention...

Nick Cave, "Song of Joy"

There's a killer on the road. His brain is squirmin like a toad. Take a long holiday, let your children play. If you give this man a ride, sweet family will die. Killer on the road.

The Doors, "Riders on the Storm"

His legs suddenly went horribly weak, a chill ran down his spine, and for a moment his heart almost froze; then it suddenly began to beat as though it had been released from a catch. In this manner they walked for about a hundred yards, side by side, and again without saying one word. The artisan did not look at him.

'What are you talking about?... Eh?... Who's a murderer?' Raskolnikov muttered, barely audibly.

'YOU are a murderer', the artisan said, even more distinctly and reprovingly, with a smile that expressed something akin to hate-filled triumph...

Dostoyevsky, "Crime e Castigo" (só tenho a tradução em inglês, infelizmente)

And still, as he continued to fill his pockets, his mind accused him with a sickening iteration of the thousand faults of his design. He should have chosen a more quiet hour; he should have prepared an alibi; he should not have used a knife; he should have been more cautious and only bound and gagged the dealer, and not killed him; he should have been more bold and killed the servant also; he should have done all things otherwise; poignant regrets, weary, incessant toiling of the mind to change what was unchangeable, to plan what was now useless, to be the architect of the irrevocable past. Meanwhile, and behind all this activity, brute terror, like the scurrying of rats in a deserted attic, filled the more remote chambers of his brain with riot...
R. Louis Stevenson, "Markheim"

Acho que era a isto que os Românticos chamavam o locus horrendus. É horrendus mas também é muito bellus.

2 comentários:

manuel a. domingos disse...

nicole blackman (acho que é assim que se escreve) é uma diva! esse disco dos palominos é simplesmente do outro mundo!

Rita F. disse...

Manuel, também gosto. Não sabia que a senhora se chamava assim, mas a Wikipedia diz-me que se escreve tal e qual como escreveste.
Não tenho o CD, mas quando o ouvi adorei, principalmente este Victim, que acho que é logo a primeira faixa. Tenho de o tentar arranjar.